HOPPS Skateboards 

   维世滑板分销(Wis Skate)HOPPS Skateboards在中国地区的官方代理商。Hopps Skateboards公司由美国职业滑板人Jahmal Williams创立于美国纽约。所有HOPPS的产品均由滑板手们原创设计,以展现滑板运动独特风格和满足滑板热爱者的需要。



杰莫·威廉姆斯 (Jahmal Williams)简介:

    杰莫·威廉姆斯(Jahmal Williams是美国东海岸滑板界的传奇人物。现在,他与维世滑板公司Wis Skate)合作,一起他创立的滑板品牌Hopps带到中国。杰莫·威廉姆斯这位资深的滑板老将参加过很多滑板界知名录影带的拍摄。在Eastern Exposure 3, Toy Machine’s Live!, Infamous’ INFMS DNA’s Continuum中,你都可以欣赏到他的高超滑技。

    在杰莫·威廉姆斯十多年的职业滑板身涯中,他曾为众多著名体育和滑板公司代言,其中包括Toy Machine DNA Powell Adidas等。之后,他决定通过创建自己的滑板品牌Hopps,把更真实的美国东海岸风格融入到滑板潮流中。在2008年,只有在像纽约Supreme滑板店这样的美国本土知名的滑板店铺中可以买到Hopps,而现在这股美国东海岸风潮已经来到了中国。


Jahmal Williams, the legendary East Coast skateboarder, is bringing his Hopps Skateboards to China through Wis Skate. Jahmal is famous for his influential parts in a number of classic skate videos including Eastern Exposure 3, Toy Machine’s Live!, Infamous’ INFMS, and DNA’s Continuum. 

While this skate veteran, who has been a professional for over 10 years, has rode from everyone from Toy Machine to DNA to Powell and Adidas, he has decided to add more true East Coast style to skateboarding through the creation of Hopps.  Through 2008, the brand was only available in the US, and has been a true skateboarder favorite at such exclusive skate shops as Supreme New York. However, now the swagger of Jahmal's Hopps is available in China.

Hopps is a 100% skater owned and operated and hand crafted in the USA.  All of Hopps products are custom designed by skateboarders to fit the needs of skateboarders.  Inspired by skateboarding and underground street culture, Hopps views skateboarding as a form of artistic expression.